Mendelsohn A. (2006/2008) Be Here Now. IN The Live Art Almanac.UK: Live Art Development Agency

"Interrogating history is itself the acknowledgment that much of what we know and who we are as people and societies is dependent on second-hand, mediated accounts of the past." (2008: 32)

"Nostalgia, event culture, artifice, spectacle and fantasy all mesh together in Slater Bradley's video art."
"Factory Archives which is a fictional video has since been successfully absorbed by Joy Division archives. What Bradley does is to create layers of uncertainty and competing fictions. Bradley performances examine the anxiety of navigating of navigating lived experiences versus hand me out demonstrates how the fabrication of evidence, the manipulation of perception, and the construction of believable environments can create a kind of false credibility - a dangerous notion that threatens to topple faith-based systems. The work encourages us to approach history as a living breathing thin, and that our acceptance of what we know requires us constantly to verify and confirm how we know what we know." (2008: 33, 34)

Forsyth and Jane Pollard's :

File under Sacred Music (2003)