On Repetition. (07/10/2010) Laban, London

Repetition is the mother of knowledge
By repetition you can stop time.
Is there such a thing as repetition?
Repetition BOOK (the only repetition is the impossibility to reproduce)
·      Deleuze : 1)Naked, exact repetition 2)clothed
·      J.Cage
·      Getrude Stein: insistence=repetition with change that moves in time Personal/Subjective
“If a thing is worth doing once, is worth doing again”
Practice of repetition from modernism and beyond.
Late 60s shift
Carl Andre, Equivalent
Piano Phrase 1967 Steve Reich
Hannah Wilke
Relation in space 1976 - Abramovic and Ulay
Abramovic and repetition
Bruce Nauman , one hundrend live and die, 1984

·      Eric Satie, Vexations, produced for 1st time by John Cage in 1963 A single page score repeated 800 times. 
Stressing how people receive pleasure / perception of pleasure
Bring in sth new into sth already known.
Recognition: what is it that you might be a able to recognize but not being able to remember.
How repetition gives the identity to the original. Repetition gives to a thing an identity. (Deleuze) (J.Butler)

·      The status of the spectator and the performer and their experiences
Performer (J.Cage) didn’t learn the piece didn’t memorize it…
Freedom – engage in different ways
Sense of familiarity
Repetition versus duration… enduring time… stillness of time… create sense of endurance..
Duration as a sense of repetition…

Animalistic scream
15 minutes scream. Who is the winner
developing spiral going more and more…
not synchronized.. not repetitive in a sense but continuation.. developing.. acceleration… which are the rules that these performers have set for themselves. Game..
crying or scream
drift and come back to it
Live Performance or just video?
When do you decide to stop repeating and why? Is it exhaustion that makes you stop? Exhaustion in repetition and body limits
Desire, hope for them to come closer, for sth to happen
Effort of performer and of spectator
Rhythm continuous scream
Build an identity by repeating
Feeling trapped

·      Connor, S. (1988), Samuel Beckett: Repetition, Theory and Text, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 1-15
Good introduction
Eternity is repetition (present) the eternal repetition
Why eternally return?
A.Heathfield (idea of return)
Repetition is central
“Repetition fixes our sense of experience”
·      “representations of experience” = Repetition of repetition
o   :Aristotelian mimesis, representation of repetition, recording, memory, review, map,
knowledge about what its effect
Book : Out of now, A.Heathfield.
Reference to the source but includes an originality
Restage of the work of other artists work
Originality? Truth?
Restaging (eg. groups touring)
Desire can not be completely satisfied.. pleasure as unpleasure, how you  take pleasure from unpleasure..

·      Eco, U. (1997), ‘Innovation and Repetition: Between Modern and Post-modern Aesthetics’ in Capozzi, R. ed., Reading Eco, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 14-33,
Intertextual dialogue…  Different audiences, critical audiences, cultivating audiences
Pleasure we take by repeating something, by knowing what will come next…
BOOK: Arts of Impoverishment:Beckett, Rothko, Resnais
I have very little or nothing to say..  difficulty..
How much time you need to allow to experience the work fully..
Modern Aesthetics and theories of art
Metaphor novelty:Criterion
Romantic Aesthetics: Difference between major-minor Art , Art and crafts
“Scientific revolution”
Every work of modern art = a new law new paradigm
Recover what you already know, point by point and what they want to know again
P.18 the era of repetition
Repetition of mass media =/ Repetition of major arts (It’s a difficult distinction)
Post modern aesthetics
“new aesthetics of seriality” (Italy)
Not discuss repetition in the sense of Kierkegaard neither of Deuleuze
Repeat= to say sth or do sth the 2nd time or again and again
Series= a continued succession of similar things
To serialize = to repeat= make a replica of the same abstract type
“One thing is the same as an other when the former exhibits the same properties as the later at least under a certain description”
1) The Retake
is dependent on a commercial decision
not strictly condemned to repetition
ex. Different stories of the Arthurian cycle

2)The Remake
telling again a previous successful story
ex. The whole of Shakespeare is a remake of preceding stories
“Interesting” remakes can escape repetition

3) The Series
ex. TV Serials
in fact one is enjoying it because of the recurrence of a narrative scheme that remains constant.
Respond to infantile need of hearing again always the same story
The spiral (variation of series)

4) The Saga
Its genealogical, the actors do age
A history of aging of individuals, families etc
Continuous lineage ex.Dallas
Intertextual Dialogue
1. A given text echoes previous texts
2. Genre –embedding  ex. Musical Broadway
3. The work that speaks of itself : not the work that of a genre to which it belongs, but a work that speaks of its own structure, and of the way in which it was made. (p.21)
Hegelian problem of the Death of Art.
Thin line between High-brow Arts and low-bow Arts

P.28 Plagiarism quotation parody the ironic retake, the intertextual joke
1) the concept of absolute originality is a contemporary one, born with Romanticism
2) Classical art was in vast measure serial
3) The Modern avant-garde (beginning of 20th century) challenged the Romantic idea of “creation from nothingness”
(Collage, art about art, mustache of Mona Lisa etc)

·      ‘After the Fall: Dance-theatre and Dance-Performance,’ in Kelleher, J. and Ridout, N. eds. (2006), Contemporary Theatres in Europe: A Critical Companion, London: Routledge, pp. 188-98
pp.188 Pina Bausch mot how but why the body moves
The repetition of falling
Press hard against psychic and physical limits, finding insights and new means of articulating the dynamics of gender, sex, sexuality and human relations.
Relay personal and cultural resonances of independence: presence-absence, masculinity-femininity, sex-death, attainment-loss
The body performing: Means to access and articulate this wound/ means of cure/ means of resistance.
The other can’t catch the FALL = Imperative to Recognize, remember, and repair.
Repair, Resolution, ending, read another layer, being familiar with the work.
Time. Desire. Memory.
P.190 An After-space: A space of remembrance and re-enactment within the present
p.194: “interlude on writing Bausch. He know he writes this relation too. To bare his wait, to  … and so it begins again.